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- Geoheritage
Geological heritage encompasses rocks and landscapes that have value to humans, perhaps because of their great beauty, or their importance to science, or other reasons. Geoheritage can be assessed; things that have already been assessed are documented in specialist databases. Some things have high levels of significance, and yet are not well-known to the wider population. Geoheritage information is used in site clearances, management plans, land zone planning, and maximising tourist experience. Click here for some of our projects.
Database searches
- Recover information on listed geoheritage within, or impacted by, the client’s interest area
- Document spatial relationships between geoheritage and client interests
- With client input, list management activities that occur in geoheritage areas
- Identify values, strengths, vulnerabilities, and client-specific issues
- Report as text, digital dataset, and presentations
Geoheritage assessment
- Broadscale geological and geomorphological context of the client's interest area
- Using the ESCoM methodology, compare client’s interest area to known geoheritage of similar types
- Integrate field studies and remotely-acquired information to identify geoheritage sites or items
- With client input, identify stakeholder groups operating within the study area
- Identify values, strengths, vulnerabilities, and client-specific issues
- Report as text, digital dataset, and presentations
Geosheritage communications and capacity-building
- Design curriculum, prepare content and present information
- Signage and fact sheets for tourism
- Science journalism for audio or video documentaries
- Geoheritage For Travellers courses